
Listening Survey

Let's have some fun! Let's take a sample listening quiz. The original quiz can be found here.

Answer T for True you feel the statement describes your listening attitude or behavior. Write F for False if the statement is not descriptive of your listening behavior.
  1. Generally, I control my emotions when listening to a speaker.
  2. I have little difficulty paying attention to a speaker's message.
  3. I always ask some questions during a lecture or training session.
  4. I usually take notes during a speaker's presentation.
  5. I do not get upset if a speaker's opinions are different from my own.
  6. I make good eye contact with a speaker most of the time.
  7. I am not easily distracted when listening to most speakers.
  8. I evaluate the information given by a speaker, not the speaker himself or herself.
  9. Understanding the key points of a verbal presentation is not difficult for me.
  10. I respond throughout a speaker's presentation by occasionally nodding my head or smiling to reflect my agreement.
  11. It is not difficult to listen to a speaker who is considerably younger than I am.
  12. I listen between the lines of a presentation to identify the speaker's emotional message.
  13. Prior negative learning experiences do not affect my ability to listen to a speaker.
  14. The speaker's delivery and style are not as important as the message.
  15. Good listening habits are related to good posture.

If you had 14 to 15 true responses, you should write a book on effective listening habits!

A score of 12 to 13 true responses generally means you're a good listener.

A score of 10 to 11 true responses means you're probably an average listener, but there is certainly room for improvement.

Fewer than 10 true responses indicates you definitely need to sharpen your listening skills.

So what was your score?
NOTE: This is a self assessment. This is your opinion about yourself. If you really want to know if you are a good listener, ask the people closest to you.What would they say?