
I'm "Back at it" in 2 weeks: Here is a special announcement!

Two weeks from today, on August 1, 2013, the Living BRAVE Blog will be "Back at it" with new features and new content. I am so excited! I have been working hard to bring you some great stuff. 

To celebrate the relaunch I'm feeling generous...how about a $50 gift card? Use it for back to school shopping, that handbag you've been eyeing, those socks you need to buy but just don't want to spend your money on, or give a gift to someone else. The possibilities are endless.

Official rules and how to enter are here. No seriously, READ the official rules people!

Do Not Enter before AUGUST 1, 2013

I'll be giving more details as we get closer to August 1, 2013! Spread the word!

What would you do with a $50 gift card from "Tar-zhay"?