I used to watch Chef Emeril Lagasses's cooking show from time to time. I never watched because I ever planned to make any of the scrumptious looking meals he prepared. I watched to see how he would interact with his audience, the band, AND for the way he would "Kick it up a notch!" with his signature "BAMM!!!"
Today's challenge asks us to talk about what taking it to the next level or "kicking it up a notch" means to my business.
As you can see from the header of each blog post in #Blog4Biz challenge, on August 1, 2013 I plan on taking my business blog to the next level.
After a year of trying to figure out the best way to use the blogging platform, I have never been clearer.
People want to do business with people. They may be intrigued by your product or service but ultimately if they connect with you, then they'll do business with you.
The purpose of my blog is to showcase my skill knowledge and my personality to make it easier for you to contact me.
There are many great resources out there to help you improve your communication skills. I try to reference ones that user friendly. Clearly, I don't hold the monopoly of techniques that work. The problem with so many great resources is who wants to dig through all that to find the one piece of information that is needed right now?!?
What if you can call someone, or do a short topic search and be reminded or pushed into choosing healthy communication paths?
Some situations are pressing.
The co-worker who irritates the heck out of you is about to come to your office for a meeting and you are really trying hard NOT to go off on him.
What if you can call someone, or do a short topic search and be reminded or pushed into choosing healthy communication paths?
Some situations are pressing.
The co-worker who irritates the heck out of you is about to come to your office for a meeting and you are really trying hard NOT to go off on him.
Some situations are not pressing.
Your good friend asked to throw you a party and then was highly rude to all of your guests. You want to confront but not sure what to say.
Some situations are longer term. You want to provide a quality training session for your people that will bring about real change.
No matter the situation, I want you to think of all the great advice you have read and seen on my blog and then say, "I'm going to call Julia at BRAVE"
There are also a lot of sources out there that just regurgitate information. I blend communication theories, with experience, and make real life connections. I speak in plain language that is easy to relate to. No mysterious Karate Kid lessons or proverbs that leaving asking, "Umm, what was that?"
I talk about communication skills for your whole life, not just work. I am a wife and mother and I talk honestly about some of the lessons I learned when interacting with my husband, friends, kids, television, books and movies.
In August 2013, the blog will have a new feature called BRAVEBrief. It is a video feature where you be able to connect with me, hear me, and experience my expertise all within 60 seconds. Click here to see a preview of the BRAVEBrief.
Through this blog, I want us to get to know each other. When you feel like you know me, it won't feel like calling some cold distant business, it will feel like calling up a wise friend who is always there for you.My goal is to help you see that is easy to use healthy communication skills. I want to earn your trust so that when you are ready to "kick it up a notch", BAMM! you contact me!
Connect with me on Facebook ,Twitter ,and subscribe to blog posts! I can't wait to start getting to know you!