Title or position: Holistic Stress Management Practitioner
Business/Agency: Wholly Healing, LLC
Online presence:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WhollyHealing
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CCotterman32
Website: http://whollyhealingexperience.com
What does a stress management practitioner do?
I help people get to the root of emotional, spiritual, and physical roadblocks to healing and get rid of them.
Stress, no matter the form, wreaks havoc on the body, prevents people from staying present in the moment, and creates limited belief systems that influence life, work, and family decisions. When stress is left to spiral out of control, life can become difficult to manage and have debilitating effects on the mind and body.
Emotional healing, stress management, and a healthy, holistic lifestyle can assist the body in reversing the damage of stress. I gently guide my clients through their own healing journey to find balance and a holistic lifestyle that reduces stress and increases happiness, hope, and peace.
What is the connection between stress and communication?
Communication can add to or eliminate stress, the choice is yours. Communicating with love, truth, and a goal to be a better person with every conversation I have can have an amazing effect on the person I am communicating with. Even if the conversation is stressful or confrontational, I can still communicate in a way that the other person feels valued, loved, respected and resolve the issue in peace.
Describe a time when communication was key to your success:
My business relies on communicating. I have to be a good listener, listening to not only what's being said out loud, but also what's not being said via body language and how the person is feeling physically and emotionally.
Tell us about Wholly Healing Experience.
Wholly Healing LLC was born from my own healing journey. Seeking and finding whole healing was a beautiful process of letting go of the things in life that held me back from becoming the woman I was created to be. I had to make room for more of the good things God had in store for me. My journey inspired a life of wanting to help people find their purpose, peace, and a life they are completely in love with.
The website whollyhealingexperience.com is a resting place for the weary, a place to find hope and inspiration for creating a new life of peace and joy. Life stories are shared here, the good and bad, as well as tips and resources for living a healthy life.
Describe a time when you communicated poorly and what lesson(s) you learned:
When I first started marketing my business, I wasn't very good at communicating what I do and I wasn't very confident, which led to not getting many clients. I learned that I have to be very clear about my service and explain it in a way that helps people understand how I can help them. I've since refined my "elevator pitch" and I am more confident, which has helped my marketing efforts tremendously.
How do you deal with difficult people in your life?
I used to not deal with difficult people well. They would often leave me in a state of frustration. It wasn't until I came to a point in my own healing journey, when I realized that I just have to meet people where they are. Learning to have no expectations of people is hard, but it is freeing. I no longer get bogged down by other people's stress and unhappiness because I choose to know that they are likely difficult to deal with because they are battling things that I know nothing about. My goal is to extend the grace that I would hope to receive if I were them.
Describe a time you had to be BRAVE.
I had to be brave in a circumstance that required action. I knew the right thing to do, but I faced a lot of opposition. In the end, I did what my heart believed to be right. While I was put down by most, I was blessed because of my decision. I learned that being BRAVE means that you have to always do what feels right in your heart, no matter what you come up against.
What is your favorite quote?
I LOVE quotes! But I have to say my favorite quote is a line from a poem by Robert Frost that has stuck with me over the years. "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference."
Reading anything interesting right now? I'm reading several books right now, but I have to say my favorite is the newly released book by Dr. Caroline Leaf, "Switch On Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health"
My highlights from Christy's story:
- Poor communication habits leads to stress. As a person who was temporarily paralyzed because of stress, I know this to be fact!
- Listening to what people are saying with their words, their bodies, and their tones of voice is the key to successful communication.
- Bravery compels you to go against the grain in order to do what you know is right.
What inspired you from Christy's story?